Thursday, December 22, 2011


Its been a good year.
Infact, its been a great year.

I think the reason is because it was a perfectly normal year. This is the 1st normal year we have had.
2007-got married, pregnant, lost my job
2008- had Brycen, Brad unemployed, seperated
2009- moved, Brad unemployed, miscarriage
2010- had the twins, moved

We didn't have to move. We added no more kids. Brad stayed at Choretime.
This is our 1st year as a married couple that we got to see what the future is going to be like. Brad working, me at home with the 3 little ones. Brads job is very secure and that has been a HUGE relief. We will move again? O, probably. Who knows when though. Add more kids? HECK NO. This is going to be our life and I am pumped about it.

Also, this year Brad made a HUGE accomplishment. He hit the $50k mark for the 1st time in his life. How awesome is he?? When we got married we were living in a cement basement making about $15k. We were constantly getting our phones shut off and bill collectors were calling daily. We would overdraft our bank account almost weekly. Lack of money caused a lot of issues. But, looking back, it was something we needed to go through. We learned how to survive on nothing. We learned from the start that bills needed to come before everything. We got used to not going out a lot and spending money on fancy meals and going to the movies. We learned how to enjoy life on a small amount of money.
Now, we aren't hurting for money. But, we remember what it was like and refuse to let it go back to that. Brad is incharge of our finances and does an amazing job. Our lifestyle hasn't really changed. We do spoil the kids more than we used to be able to but we make sure we still live within our means.
It's just nice to be able to stand on our own feet. We were very blessed by Brad's mom and my parents and friends and extended family early in our marriage. Everyone helped us out. Its a great feeling now that we can help others out. There is no way we can ever show just how much we appreciated everyones help.

2011 is a year that we can always look back on and say "THAT was our year. THAT was the year we grew up. THAT was the year we started figuring things out."

I would have never pictured my life like this. God answered so many prayers and is continually answering prayers every day.

I already know that 2012 is going to different. Mom and dad are moving. I'm not handling that well. That is going to make life SO different but it doesnt have to be a bad different. It's going to be great for them. It may be good for us to because that will allow me to lean even more on my husband.

2012 may be different but I have a feeling its going to be a good year too.

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