Saturday, September 28, 2013

A parenting frustration...

Talking with a friend the other day got me to thinking.

We were talking about how frustrating it is when parents don't discipline their children.

Now let me 1st stop and say, I am sure there are LOTS of people out there who don't agree with how our kids are raised. They probably don't think we discipline nearly enough or maybe we discipline too much.
Every single parents raises their children in a different way. TO AN EXTENT there is no right or wrong way to raise them.

So what are you supposed to do when you encounter a family who raises their kids differently then you do?

We have often found ourselves in the situation where our kids and the kids they are playing with are completely different.

Obviously you can't discipline other peoples children but at the same time, how are you supposed to discipline your kids in that situation?

This isn't making sense.
I have deleted and retyped this over and over and I STILL don't think I am making sense.
Time for an example.

We are over at a friends house and the kids are all playing. The child they are playing with is being very aggressive and has decided she wants the toy my daughter is playing with, so she takes it.

Her mother just laughs shrugs her shoulders and says "kids"
My daughter is now crying because the toy she was playing with was forced out of her hands.

Now, in my house? If someone takes away a toy, its timeout time. They are made to give the toy back and say sorry.

Obviously, I can't put any one else's kid in time out.
So what do you to?

This is an actually question because I have no idea!!

My kids are made to sit quietly at church. What happens when other kids talk to them?
Out to eat our kids are to sit quietly and color. What happens when we go out with friends and their kids are allowed to run around?
To ANY adult our kids are to be respectful and polite. What happens when other kids around them don't act in the same way?

This whole new attitude of kids being allowed to be "free spirited' or "kids will be kids" kind of makes parenting hard.

My kids are NOT brought up that up. They talk back to us? You better believe they will get a flick in the head and put in time out wherever we are (so far we havn't been anywhere that doesn't have a corner)

This whole parenting thing is much more difficult than I thought it would be. It would be so much easier if every kid was raised the same way as mine but lets face it, there may just be more bald headed daughters and sons who know how to work electronics WAY too well!!

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