Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Time to post...

I like to write. Its always been a passion of mine. Whether it bee poems or blogs, writing is what seems to relax me.
That's why I started this blog a couple years ago. Just to get everything out of my mind and on 'paper'.
I just spent the last 30 min reading through my previous posts and it was fascinating! To see how far we have come!!
Previous posts wondering if Brycen would EVER sleep! Yep, he does.
Previous posts wondering if we made the right decision going back to Goshen Church. Yep, we did.
But there the posts about how Thursday are Walmart and McDonald day. Not anymore.
How mine and Kaylas friendship would never end. Never see her anymore.
How hard it would be having mom and dad move. Much easier than we thought.
How hard it was to leave my Milford Church family. Yes hard but Goshen helps out.
Wondering if we ever even wanted a house. Getting closer!!

Life changes so much all the time! When I started the blog in the fall of 2011, Brad was working 2nd shift, the kids didn't sleep, we lived in Milford, went to Maple City Chapel, dad was the pastor at Milford.
Its now 2013 and none of that is the same anymore! Its only been 2 years!!

In 2011 we were so happy with how life was turning out.
Its now 2013 and life is even better than it was there.

My kids all sleep. Because they are all in school. AND DOING SO WELL!!
Brad works 3rd shift and it is PERFECT. I would honestly be happy if he never switched shifts again.
We have started the home buying process so by this time next year we may have a house.
Goshen is our home church. We are even involved!! Brad is an usher and I help with the Childrens Church Program. Brycen even goes on Wednesday nights.

I guess I never realized just how much had changed in the last couple years.

Another big thing that has changed? As I sit here writing this blog, I have laundry going, there are only a few dishes in my sink, the kids room and our room are clean, the bathrooms are clean, the van is clean, meat is thawing in the refrigerator for supper tonight.

In the last 2 years, we have grown up! Become responsible!! Is our house in perfect condition? HECK NO. Would CPS take our kids away if they came knocking on the door though and saw their living environment? Nope :)
We have found routine.
That was something that has been missing with us from day 1.
We have a schedule.
And that all stems from having 3 semi well behaved children.

Brycen is currently at school and the girls are sitting on the floor coloring. Brad is fast asleep upstairs. The only noise right now is the music channel blarring on our tv.

This is life now.

Is it still tough? ABSOLUTELY
Am I still always exhausted? ABSOLUTELY
Do I still have melt downs? ALMOST WEEKLY
Do I still forget to shower everyday? YOU BETCHA

I can deal with all of that though. Im 25, going on 6 years of marriage with my best friend at the end of the month (WOW!) 3 AMAZING children, great friends, amazing family, loving church family.

I do believe I am winning this game called LIFE :)

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