Sunday, October 16, 2011

Everything happens for a reason......

Everything in my life has happened for reason.
Its very easy to say but its crazy if you really think about it.
EVERYTHING that has EVER happened in my life has led me to this point right here....
sitting in my chair, watching a football game, while listening to my kids play.
I've made lots of choices in my life that weren't the smartest.
There are people in my past that didn't make it to my future for a reason.
Doesn't mean the memories I have with them or the time I spent with them was a mistake.
They needed to be in my life at that moment so that I could be here now.
I had a lot of friends that didn't make it to this point.
Friends from school
Friends from camp
Friends I met thru friends.
They all impacted my life to get me to right here.
A lot of decisions I made in my past probably weren't the right decisions to make
without that decision, my life is completely different.

I have always boiled my past down to a series of mistakes.
I now struggle to see anything as a mistake
I HAVE made a lot of poor choices and bad decisions and had horrible timing.
Its hard to view those things as a MISTAKE since it all got me to this point at 7:30 pm on Sunday.
I really need to get out of the mindset of "I really wish I never would have done that" because the truth is, everything has worked together to make me happy

So, from this point on
-I want to THANK all the people that didn't make it to this point of my life for being in my past when I needed you. I really needed you there but clearly I don't need you in my future.
-I am going to quit feeling guilty about my past choices and decisions. *Brycen is a blessing in my life. Was he the result of a poor choice? Yes. But, goodness I can't imagine life without him*
-I need to quit dwelling on past actions. Was I stupid? yes. Did it affect me? yes. Is it going to ruin my life? Guess not.

I have taken full responsibilty for my past. I have learned from my past. And now its time for me to bury my past.
and everyone that was in it that didn't make it to 7:36pm on Sunday
and everything I did
and everything I didn't do

As a friend once said "time to burn bridges"
Guess thats my cue...

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