Tuesday, October 25, 2011

One of those tough decisions....

We have been trying for the last several months to convince ourselves that Brycen is an everyday typical 3 year old. Lately though, we are really starting to question it. He has always been a very hyper child. He doesn't need a whole lot of sleep and he is go go go from morning till night. We had really hoped it would be a phase he would grow out of. Well, he has now started to add in another "issue" He is starting to throw temper tantrums. And not just every now and though throwing a toy or yelling and kicking. This is everyday, he throws things, kicks walls, hits himself into walls. He is becoming very destructive. On Sunday he threw a minor one of these "fits" over at mom and dads house and I just lost it. This was the 1st time he has done it outside of the home and mom and dad are the only people to have witnessed it. We sat down and talked and even they agree that this is not normal behavior. I have called the dr office and was told that there really isn't a test to be done on children for a.d.d. or a.d.h.d. Infact, there are several drs who don't acknowledge it as an issue in kids. I was told to start putting him on a strict schedule and see if that works so today will be day one. To start a strict schedule from morning till night would be very difficult to handle so right now I am just trying evening. From 6pm on, things are going to start going by clock work. Supper, play time, bathtime, snacktime, and bedtime. Once we can get on an evening schedule then I hope I can start putting in a morning schedule.

A big decision that we need to make though is if we just let him go or if this is something that we really need to look into to. Part of me says we have GOT to get this under control now before we have major issues by the time school starts but then another part of me wonders if he truely is just a normal 3 year old and its just a phase.

The next few days I will be doing a lot of research on behavior issues in children and see if we should be concerned.

Anyone that knows Brycen knows that he is a very active child, bouncing off the walls all hours of the day and night. If it could have just stayed that way, I could deal with that. But, the sleep issues and now the fits, I'm afraid what could come next or how bad things could get.

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