Thursday, October 27, 2011

Our Walmart & McDonald's day :)

Brad has been on 2nd shift for 3 months now. It's an amazing opportunity for him. It was a job promotion that put him on this shift and we decided it would be totally worth it for him to work 2nd shift for a few years now so he could get the set up job on 1st shift once the guy retires and the kids are in school and it looks like ChoreTime could be the place he retires from.

75% of the time, it works for us. We are night people so we are able to hang out once he gets home and the kids LOVE daddy being home in the mornings when they wake up.

Then, the other 25% of the time, its kind of hard. The evenings are when the kids are a bit more rowdy and its a nightmare feeding 3 kids supper, giving 3 kids baths, and fighting 3 kids to go to bed. Sometimes I feel like I never see my husband and we never see people because we can longer go out with anyone.

No matter what kind of week we are having, whether it be the 75% week or the 25% week, when Thursday hits, life is perfect.

Thursday is Walmart and Mcdonalds day.

Every Thursday we pack up the kids and head to Goshen to go to walmart. We do grocery shopping and each of the kids get a toy and Brad and I each get a little something. Its an hour to enjoy the money brad works so hard for. Some weeks its small things like a new pillow *that was today* and other weeks its bigger expenses like a wall mount. Brycen can either pick out a movie or a toy and he spends SO much time decided what the perfect thing would be "this week was a flashlight"

Then, after we leave Walmart we head down the street to McDonalds. We complain every week because the line is so stinken long yet still, every Thursday, we have McDonalds for lunch.

Its nothing special. It's nothing fancy. But, its a family outing....all 5 of us. I love how excited Brycen gets wednesday night when i put him to bed and tell him when he wakes up we will go to walmart. There have been a few weeks where we don't even really NEED anything, yet we still go.

Its days like today that kind of slaps me in the face to remind me, its because of Brads job, and the shift he works that makes this outing so special. We are so blessed that we are able to do this. How dare I complain how hard it is on me when Brad is the one who has to be away from his family 7 evenings a week. He does that so I can see my kids all day everyday. He does that so we have money to pay our bills and still have money left over to go to walmart....and McDonalds.

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