Monday, October 10, 2011

Lets give this a try

I don't lead a very exciting life, but I love it. I get to stay home and raise my kids because my husband works his butt off. 7 days a week, Brad is at work. Luckily, he loves his job and the hours don't bother him. We were nervous making the switch to 2nd shift but it actually works out pretty well. We seem to spend more time together this way since we are both such night owls.

Our kids are pretty much the coolest kids ever. Brycen is 3 going on 13. He is a handful, thats for sure but wow, hes a great kid. He is a complete daddy's boy and he thinks he just knows everything. I'm sure ever parent thinks this about their child but he is pretty smart. I am amazed everyday at the things he says. I have no clue where he gets some of it.

Our little girls. Wow. Having twins was something we never expected. Anytime someone found out we were having twins they would say "O, we've always wanted twins" No. No you didn't. And if you did, well thats just weird. Why anyone would WANT to have 2 babies at the same time. But, the crazy thing is, our life would not be complete without them. They fit into our family perfectly. Um, it hasn't been a cake walk, thats for sure. There has been LOTS of crying and poop and sleepless nights and doctors appointments. We go through tons of diapers and wipes and milk and food. But, they are our angels. Gosh they are cute. Super short and just walking around the apartment like they own it.

Yes, I said apartment. We have 3 kids and we live in an apartment. But a very nice apartment. I guess actually its called a townhouse. I know it seems like all young married couples jump straight to taking out a massive loan for a house but thats just not our style. We really like this whole not having debt thing. Is this the ideal home for us? No. But I really don't think we will ever live somewhere that we are like "wow, perfection". Will we own a home someday? Yea, maybe. Are we in a rush? Nope. Not at all. We live in an apartment that has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, an upstairs, air conditioning and a back yard. If something breaks, we call maintenance and they come fix it. We don't have to mow our yard or rake or shovel our sidewalks. Would it be nice to be able to paint the kids room fun colors? yes. Would we LOVE a dishwasher? well duh. Are those 2 things worth a 30 yr loan and tons of stress? not for us.

We are by no means "perfect parents" We raise our kids differently than other people do and to be real truthful a lot of people may frown on it. A typical day in the Brosamer household. Brad wakes up usually around 10 and is the first person awake. He enjoys piece and quiet and the kids slowly start waking up around 11. Immedietly cartoons come on the tv for Brycen. I usually wake up around noon and we have lunch. I don't cook. Like ever. Typically lunch is pb & j or ham sandwiches. Sometimes we will have eggs and toast or tacos, or brad will run to syracuse and pick up some fast food. The tv is on in our house all day everyday. We spend the next couple hours with sports on tv and I am usually on the laptop and the kids play. naptime for the girls is at 2 and thats when Brycen's quiet time starts. So, from 2-5 the kids are in their rooms napping or playing quietly. Brad goes to work at 2:30 and I enjoy some piece and quiet and watch reruns of How I met your mother and Friends. Around 5ish the kids come down and we have simple suppers, mac n cheese n hotdogs, tuna boats, pizza. The rest of the evening the kids play....hard. They are everywhere. Super hyper. Around 11 I put the kids back down to bed. The girls usually go right to sleep. Brycen is usually awake till 2 or so. Brad gets home around 11:30 and the rest of the night we watch tv, eat snacks and get to bed around 4

So, as you can see, we lead a different lifestyle. Im not constantly doing crafts with my kids or mopping my floor. We don't eat supper around a table everynight *we dont even have a table* Most of the time we don't allow people over because our house is trashed. I am way behind on laundry I have toys everywhere, the trash is piled a mile high, and there are dishes in my sink. Our bedroom doesnt have a floor, and our junk drawers are packed.

Our life isn't perfect, but it works for us. We get along. We love eachother and we love our kids. Our kids are safe and clean and love us. I guess thats really all that matters to us.

This blog is going to show you right into our messy, upside down life. Judge if you want but realize, it won't bother us and it won't change us...

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