Thursday, December 22, 2011


Its been a good year.
Infact, its been a great year.

I think the reason is because it was a perfectly normal year. This is the 1st normal year we have had.
2007-got married, pregnant, lost my job
2008- had Brycen, Brad unemployed, seperated
2009- moved, Brad unemployed, miscarriage
2010- had the twins, moved

We didn't have to move. We added no more kids. Brad stayed at Choretime.
This is our 1st year as a married couple that we got to see what the future is going to be like. Brad working, me at home with the 3 little ones. Brads job is very secure and that has been a HUGE relief. We will move again? O, probably. Who knows when though. Add more kids? HECK NO. This is going to be our life and I am pumped about it.

Also, this year Brad made a HUGE accomplishment. He hit the $50k mark for the 1st time in his life. How awesome is he?? When we got married we were living in a cement basement making about $15k. We were constantly getting our phones shut off and bill collectors were calling daily. We would overdraft our bank account almost weekly. Lack of money caused a lot of issues. But, looking back, it was something we needed to go through. We learned how to survive on nothing. We learned from the start that bills needed to come before everything. We got used to not going out a lot and spending money on fancy meals and going to the movies. We learned how to enjoy life on a small amount of money.
Now, we aren't hurting for money. But, we remember what it was like and refuse to let it go back to that. Brad is incharge of our finances and does an amazing job. Our lifestyle hasn't really changed. We do spoil the kids more than we used to be able to but we make sure we still live within our means.
It's just nice to be able to stand on our own feet. We were very blessed by Brad's mom and my parents and friends and extended family early in our marriage. Everyone helped us out. Its a great feeling now that we can help others out. There is no way we can ever show just how much we appreciated everyones help.

2011 is a year that we can always look back on and say "THAT was our year. THAT was the year we grew up. THAT was the year we started figuring things out."

I would have never pictured my life like this. God answered so many prayers and is continually answering prayers every day.

I already know that 2012 is going to different. Mom and dad are moving. I'm not handling that well. That is going to make life SO different but it doesnt have to be a bad different. It's going to be great for them. It may be good for us to because that will allow me to lean even more on my husband.

2012 may be different but I have a feeling its going to be a good year too.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A simple family picture

Growing up we always hear

"God has a plan"
"Trust God"
"God doesn't make mistakes"

Its very reassuring.

Usually these phrases are used at a time in your life that your feeling down, overwhelmed, or when something has happened.

I was going through my facebook pictures, and these phrases popped into my head while I was looking a picture of my amazing family.
"God doesn't make mistakes"
"Trust God"
"God has a plan"

How cool is it that God has had a plan for my life before I was even thought of.
How blessed am I that God chose ME to be Brad's wife, and the kids mom.
God handpicked me to raise Brycen, Braylee, and Braycee. He decided that I was strong enough, smart enough, capable enough to be in charge of these 3 little lives.

Out of all the people in the world, he knew it would be Brad and I.

We started out living in a cement basement and now look where we are at. He had a plan for us. All along he was whispering "Trust in me"

So, looking at the family picture, I was able to see just how awesome God really is and just how much God knows I am capable of.

Its very reassuring...

Monday, November 21, 2011

And just like that...

Sunday morning my alarms went off at 7:30 and I jumped right out of bed to go bring them downstairs. We had breakfast, we got dressed and we were to Goshen 1st Brethren by 8:50am. By 8:52 I had already been given 3 hugs and it felt wonderful. We actually felt missed and that is an incredible feeling to have. We dropped the girls in the nursery and headed towards the sanctuary. More hugs, more handshakes, more "it's so nice to see you". We picked out a seat and the service began. Pdrex got up to announce it was time to meet and greet and the first words out of his mouth were "Brad and Britt are here today, along with Brycen and Braylee and Braycee" And then people came up and we got more handshakes and hugs....
The time came for the children's sermon and Brycen ran right up front. It was his very first children sermon at this church. Howie was caught a bit off guard and made the comment about how weird it was because Brycen was his first "youth kid" to be upfront *howie was brads youth leader growing up*
After the service, we went to pick up the girls from the nursery and were told they were bringing in reinforcements for the Sunday School hour and that they would be in good hands. We took Brycen to Sunday school and found out they were ringing bells next week and he gets to be a part of it.
More hugs, more handshakes and we went up to Sunday School. We jumped right in.
and it felt RIGHT
After the service we went to eat with the Parkers and we got caught up on each others lives and just like that, we were back....

There was no trying to fit in.
There was no uncomfortableness.
There was no guilty feeling for going to a different Brethren Church.

It felt right.
It felt good.
It felt like home.

Isn't that EXACTLY how church is supposed to feel?

Is it going to be extremely difficult to no longer be a part of Milford 1st Brethren church?
Is it going to be super weird not having my dad be my pastor?
Did God make is SUPER easy to find a new church family though?
Is this EXACTLY what our family needs right now?

I got a very insightful email from another pastor's daughter who has gone through a similiar situation, her dad leaving his church after several years and she said how God works in seasons and at times, things must come to an end but God has something better waiting for us.

I really believe thats true. I really think God has great things planned for Mom and Dad and Steph and Josh and for Brad and I.
I can't wait to see what it is!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

"O, your ___________'s kid"

When I was born I was given the identity of Brittany. When I was 5, I gained another identity. I gained the identity of Billy's kid. It usually just was said on Sunday mornings during church. Then, as I grew up and was old enough to start attending camp, conference, retreats, really anything that pertained to the Brethren Church, my identity of "Billy's kid" followed me wherever I want.
The conversation always went the same
"So, what church are you from?"
"My dad is the pastor at Milford 1st Brethren"
"O, your Billy's kid!"

Or I would be introduced.
"This is Brittany. Her dad is Billy. you know, Billy Hesketh right?"

Then when I got older I started to go to Goshen Church. Even there. The question would come up
"So, what church did you come from?"
"O, my dad actually preaches at Milford 1st Brethren"
"Ok, so your dad is Billy"

There are numerous different conversations that have taken place in life that always ended up with
"O, your Billy's kid"

And you know what, that used to bug me. I would have LOVED to me known for me. That people would know who I was without being linked to someone else.

But, Sunday, when dad announced his resignation, all I could think of who am I?

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my identity of
"Brittany. wife of Brad. mother of the Brosamer Kids" Forever and for always I get that identity. But, its hard to lose a part of yourself that you have had for almost 20 years.

I don't have any role at Milford. We started going to another church on occasion back in July. We didn't go weekly. Infact, we kind of split it 50/50. But now, once dad leaves, I don't have a reason to go back to Milford. Steph and Josh are in charge of a lot at Milford so although it may be hard for them to continue there, they at least have a place.

We don't

I can't go back to my dads church when it is no longer his church. Does that mean I am going to lose all of those connections?

I know I will never lose the chupps connection. But, what about everyone else?
I went to the church for 17 years. Granted, I did go to Goshen 1st Brethren for awhile, but I still went to Milford events and the occasional Sunday. But I'm pretty sure those days will be over once dad is gone.
Milford congregation is like family.
and now the family is.....gone? Just like that??
So, I lose my identity as Billy's kid and then I lose people who I have grown up with

Not only that but now I have to grow up. I HAVE to get myself involved in a new church. Not just GO to another church but actually get INVOLVED with another church. I was given a great church family to grow up with. My kids deserve the same.
That starts all sorts of new questions. I really like the church we are going to now. Its big, its contemporary, a great childrens program for Brycen and then for the girls as they grow up but I need to decide if that is the type of church I want my children to know as their home church. Is that a church that I can go get involved with, go to events, maybe even serve on a ministry? I need to grow up and become a member of a church. My role up to this point has been pastors kid. I went to things because I was the pastors daughter. I don't have that attachment anymore.

I know where I need to go. I think I have known all along. Time to grow up and take the jump.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Our Walmart & McDonald's day :)

Brad has been on 2nd shift for 3 months now. It's an amazing opportunity for him. It was a job promotion that put him on this shift and we decided it would be totally worth it for him to work 2nd shift for a few years now so he could get the set up job on 1st shift once the guy retires and the kids are in school and it looks like ChoreTime could be the place he retires from.

75% of the time, it works for us. We are night people so we are able to hang out once he gets home and the kids LOVE daddy being home in the mornings when they wake up.

Then, the other 25% of the time, its kind of hard. The evenings are when the kids are a bit more rowdy and its a nightmare feeding 3 kids supper, giving 3 kids baths, and fighting 3 kids to go to bed. Sometimes I feel like I never see my husband and we never see people because we can longer go out with anyone.

No matter what kind of week we are having, whether it be the 75% week or the 25% week, when Thursday hits, life is perfect.

Thursday is Walmart and Mcdonalds day.

Every Thursday we pack up the kids and head to Goshen to go to walmart. We do grocery shopping and each of the kids get a toy and Brad and I each get a little something. Its an hour to enjoy the money brad works so hard for. Some weeks its small things like a new pillow *that was today* and other weeks its bigger expenses like a wall mount. Brycen can either pick out a movie or a toy and he spends SO much time decided what the perfect thing would be "this week was a flashlight"

Then, after we leave Walmart we head down the street to McDonalds. We complain every week because the line is so stinken long yet still, every Thursday, we have McDonalds for lunch.

Its nothing special. It's nothing fancy. But, its a family outing....all 5 of us. I love how excited Brycen gets wednesday night when i put him to bed and tell him when he wakes up we will go to walmart. There have been a few weeks where we don't even really NEED anything, yet we still go.

Its days like today that kind of slaps me in the face to remind me, its because of Brads job, and the shift he works that makes this outing so special. We are so blessed that we are able to do this. How dare I complain how hard it is on me when Brad is the one who has to be away from his family 7 evenings a week. He does that so I can see my kids all day everyday. He does that so we have money to pay our bills and still have money left over to go to walmart....and McDonalds.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

One of those tough decisions....

We have been trying for the last several months to convince ourselves that Brycen is an everyday typical 3 year old. Lately though, we are really starting to question it. He has always been a very hyper child. He doesn't need a whole lot of sleep and he is go go go from morning till night. We had really hoped it would be a phase he would grow out of. Well, he has now started to add in another "issue" He is starting to throw temper tantrums. And not just every now and though throwing a toy or yelling and kicking. This is everyday, he throws things, kicks walls, hits himself into walls. He is becoming very destructive. On Sunday he threw a minor one of these "fits" over at mom and dads house and I just lost it. This was the 1st time he has done it outside of the home and mom and dad are the only people to have witnessed it. We sat down and talked and even they agree that this is not normal behavior. I have called the dr office and was told that there really isn't a test to be done on children for a.d.d. or a.d.h.d. Infact, there are several drs who don't acknowledge it as an issue in kids. I was told to start putting him on a strict schedule and see if that works so today will be day one. To start a strict schedule from morning till night would be very difficult to handle so right now I am just trying evening. From 6pm on, things are going to start going by clock work. Supper, play time, bathtime, snacktime, and bedtime. Once we can get on an evening schedule then I hope I can start putting in a morning schedule.

A big decision that we need to make though is if we just let him go or if this is something that we really need to look into to. Part of me says we have GOT to get this under control now before we have major issues by the time school starts but then another part of me wonders if he truely is just a normal 3 year old and its just a phase.

The next few days I will be doing a lot of research on behavior issues in children and see if we should be concerned.

Anyone that knows Brycen knows that he is a very active child, bouncing off the walls all hours of the day and night. If it could have just stayed that way, I could deal with that. But, the sleep issues and now the fits, I'm afraid what could come next or how bad things could get.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I hate feeling scared...

It gives a sick to my stomach feeling everytime I log onto WNDU and there is another crime being committed so close to home. Whenever I heard stories that happened in Chicago, or Gary, or even lately South Bend West Side, I feel reassurred that I live in a small friendly community. Sure, our apartments go through some minor issues with vandalism, car break ins, and such; but, I still feel safe. I know I have my neighbors looking out for us and I know police officers are making rounds keeping an eye on us. All the issues happening in Goshen lately have just kind of put me on edge, especially with Brad working 2nds. It scares me to go out with the kids and come home when its dark out. I am paranoid at every little sound I here. It just seems like lately, my sense of security has been taken away. I can't imagine what my friends must feel like who actually live in the Goshen, Elkhart, and South Bend area. How are you ever supposed to get your sense of security back? When the murderer is arrested? What about all the other criminals out there, taking advantage of a scared community....

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Everything happens for a reason......

Everything in my life has happened for reason.
Its very easy to say but its crazy if you really think about it.
EVERYTHING that has EVER happened in my life has led me to this point right here....
sitting in my chair, watching a football game, while listening to my kids play.
I've made lots of choices in my life that weren't the smartest.
There are people in my past that didn't make it to my future for a reason.
Doesn't mean the memories I have with them or the time I spent with them was a mistake.
They needed to be in my life at that moment so that I could be here now.
I had a lot of friends that didn't make it to this point.
Friends from school
Friends from camp
Friends I met thru friends.
They all impacted my life to get me to right here.
A lot of decisions I made in my past probably weren't the right decisions to make
without that decision, my life is completely different.

I have always boiled my past down to a series of mistakes.
I now struggle to see anything as a mistake
I HAVE made a lot of poor choices and bad decisions and had horrible timing.
Its hard to view those things as a MISTAKE since it all got me to this point at 7:30 pm on Sunday.
I really need to get out of the mindset of "I really wish I never would have done that" because the truth is, everything has worked together to make me happy

So, from this point on
-I want to THANK all the people that didn't make it to this point of my life for being in my past when I needed you. I really needed you there but clearly I don't need you in my future.
-I am going to quit feeling guilty about my past choices and decisions. *Brycen is a blessing in my life. Was he the result of a poor choice? Yes. But, goodness I can't imagine life without him*
-I need to quit dwelling on past actions. Was I stupid? yes. Did it affect me? yes. Is it going to ruin my life? Guess not.

I have taken full responsibilty for my past. I have learned from my past. And now its time for me to bury my past.
and everyone that was in it that didn't make it to 7:36pm on Sunday
and everything I did
and everything I didn't do

As a friend once said "time to burn bridges"
Guess thats my cue...

Friday, October 14, 2011

I must know everything...

I can't be left out of the loop
On anything

40% of the time I spend on the computer, I spend on news websites
40% of the time I spend on the computer, I spend on facebook
20% of the time I spend on the computer, I spend looking at ads

I dont ever want to miss anything.

I dont ever want to miss a huge news story. I have to know the name of every person involved in every situation.

I dont ever want to miss a single big thing on facebook. So my times I find my self signing off and signing back on just incase someone has updated something.

I don't ever want to miss a special sale at walmart or martins.

Its seriously a hobby of mine to know everything at all times. Not only do I have to know everything on the web, I also need to know what is going on in my friends lifes at all time. Anytime there is a vague status, I just HAVE to know what its about.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Baby Jordan made my life click...

I'm 23 *soon to be 24!*
I have 3 kids
Been married for 4 years
...yet, I don't "feel" like an adult
I don't "feel" like this is my life

When does that feeling go away? Like I really feel like I was just tossed into someone else's story. I feel like I'm just a character and that I am just acting out scenes to this never ending story.


I love my life. I would have never dreamed that this is how it would turn out. I thought for sure it would turn out more something like this.....

Graduate from highschool
Go to Ashland University
Become a language arts teacher *thats right, I wanted to be an English teacher*
Maybe get married at some point
If I had kids it would be before I was 25 and maybe only 1
All of this would happen out of this area. I thought once I left I would never come back.

Yet, here I am. I live 2 blocks away from the house I grew up in
Up till a couple months ago, I attended the same church I was raised in
My best friend is the same girl since I was 10 years old

Maybe thats why I feel like I was just dropped into someone else's story because I still feel like the girl I always was, like nothing changed.

I'm not saying it a bad feeling or that I am upset by it. And I'm by no means saying I have any regrets. It's just funny how life turns out.

Kayla had a baby last week and that was like a huge moment in my life and I thought that strange. I am not related to this little boy in anyway. Other friends of mine have had kids and it has never affected me like this.

I've been thinking about it though and I think the reason it had such an impact on me is it is a huge change in my life. Something I always knew was no matter where life took me, Kayla and I would somehow stay best friends and our kids would grow up together. I had no clue how we would pull it off, but wherever I lived, she would just be there. I dunno, I was a kid. Thats how life was supposed to work.

Thats actually going to happen. ONE thing I planned for my future is actually coming true and its slowly making my entire life seem real.

After looking back at my "lifes agenda" thats the only thing that I truely needed to happen. It didn't matter where I ended up living, what my job ended up being, how many kids I had, who I would marry. All of those would turn out the exact way they were supposed to. God dropped a great guy into my life and BAM!! all those decisions were made.
13+ years ago, God dropped my best friend into my life and BAM!!, forever and for always there she will be.
God never chose for me to go to Ashland
or to be a teacher
or to only have 1 child.
If he chose those things for me, they would have happened. He had something better in mind. Something I was NEVER able to comprehend.
As for Kayla though, clearly that is one thing that God has chosen, because she's still here.
and I'm still here
And now she has an adorable little boy...
Jordan may be small but his birth has made it click that my life is exactly the way it's supposed to be, and all the perfect people are in it.

Talking thru kids

90% of parents do it, if not more
I do it
Brad does it
I always promised myself I wouldn't do it because it annoyed me so much.
I had a baby and BAM!! I got sucked it

Brycen, a newborn baby has a poppy diaper and what do I do?
me talking to brad - "brycen, say *using a baby voice* daddy, change my diaper"

Why o why o WHY do we talk thru our kids!! And its not like we can talk normal either. When we talk thru our kids to someone else, we have to try to sound like a kid which face it
none of us are good at it.

NEVER would I EVER think to talk thru a friend. I would NEVER be with Jill *i dont even know a Jill and say "Jill, tell your husband *using my best jill voice* Dear, I'm going shopping"

Its creepy.

Yet just because we are doing it with kids, does it make it normal?

I have once been sitting around the table with my family and held an entire conversation between jaxon and Brycen yet Jaxon and brycen say nothing, its me and steph treating our sons like puppets.

It sounds silly right?
And you've realized you do it to!
Yet, for some reason, its a natural reaction.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How did I get so lucky?

My kids amaze me.
They are just growing up so fast.
Today we went to Burger King in Nappanee to let the girls play. I just assumed they would walk around the play area and climb up and down the step.
Oh no. Braylee did the entire thing. She climbed up the rope, thru the tunnel and down the slide.
She was so proud of herself.
I was so proud of her.
Braycee didn't ever really attempt to do it but I'm sure if she tried she would be able to do it too.

All kids grow up and learn to do new things. I totally understand that. It just seems different with the girls.

Maybe its because I still remember seeing them laying in the NICU. They were so small and helpless. Looking at them today though, you would never realize it. They aren't behind in anything. My babies were 7 weeks early and didn't need 1st steps and had no developmental issues.

God is good. Thats the only thing I can come up with. He has been a part of their lives from conception. There is no other possible reason for them to be such healthy perfect girls today. I look at them and wonder how in the world there are people out there that don't believe in God.

And then I look at my life and realize I don't give God the love and respect he deserves. Look at everything he has done in my life. Look at the home I was raised in, the family that loves me, the education I received, the friends I made, the husband he chose for me, the family I married in to, the children I was blessed with, and the way my life has turned out. Just as he has been there since conception with my kids, he was the same way with me and how do I treat him? Like crap. All he asks for is for me to love him, believe in him, and spread his word, and to strife to be like him. Thats it. There are weeks I don't even give him Sunday mornings. How sad is that?

There have been so many times in my life that I vow to make a change. I always say "this time its going to be different" Well, I know me. Chances are this time is going to be the exact same. However, now, now I have someone else to think about. I have my kids to think about. I want them to know Jesus and love Jesus, and have Jesus in their life. That means I HAVE to change. Would I love for me to change because its what I want? Absolutely. I know how that ends though. If I change for my kids though? those are three little people I refuse to let down. So, maybe in the process of growing their relationship with Jesus, maybe my relationship will grow too. That would be pretty neat...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Things I'm learning about kids

1.) If the kids are crying in the vehicle, no matter how loud you turn up the radio, they can be louder
2.) Pointing at your kid while yelling at him for pointing makes absolutely no sense
3.) When your 3 year old says "Barney" anytime How I Met Your Mother comes on tv, you have watched it too much with him in the room
4.) If you dont want your kid to give you attitude with his hands on his hips, you should NOT give your husband attitude with your hands on your hips
5.) When your kids start to cry as soon as you leave McDonalds drivethru because you havnt handed them their food yet, you've been through the drive thru too much.
6.) If you tell your son he can go to church on Sunday, he will ask everytime its sunny out if its time to go to church. To him SUNday and SUNNY day are the same thing.
7.) 3 years old is the age at which your kids can start ratting you out.
8.) If your son is in your room when your alarm clock is going off and he pushes snooze for you without you even asking him to, you've hit the button too much.
9.)Kids remember anything you tell them. If you tell them they can have a scooby doo movie next time your at walmart, they will remind you the second you walk into the store.
10.)Your kid gets in trouble way too much when he does something and without you even yelling at him he goes and sits in timeout.

Oh Brycen....

So discipline isn't our strong suit I supposed. Last night, Brycen was told he had to go to bed, no lights, no tv and go straight to sleep or he couldn't go to Fashion farms today to get a pumpkin. That was at 10pm last night. As of 2am this morning, the boy was still awake.

We have always had a problem with Brycen going to sleep at night. For a few months he had nothing in his room, no toys, no tv, nothing. Just a bed. Still, every night, he was awake. We tried having him awake by 7-8am and taking no naps yet still, 2 am rolled around and he was still awake. The only thing getting him up early did was make him super grouchy. It put us all on edge. When we forced him to stay in his empty room and go to sleep, he would SCREAM which in turn would wake the girls up. For those couple months I would sit upstairs listening to all 3 kids scream bloody murder. We spoke with Brycens doctor and the only advice he had was to give him benedryl to calm him down. This didn't work either. We tried time out, spankens, rewards, punishment, everything. Nothing worked. We stopped giving him anything to eat or drink after 6pm and that worked...for like a day. We came to the conclusion that no matter what we did, Brycen stayed awake. When he had nothing in his room, he would escape at night once we were in bed and hang out downstairs. We were at the end of our rope so thats when we decided to move all his toys and tv back in his room. Has that solved his sleeping problem? Not at all. What is has done though is it keeps him in his room. He now relaxes at night while watching a movie and he no longer wakes the girls up with his constant screaming. Is it the ideal move? No. Its not. He beat us. He won. Slowly though we are pushing our way back. At first his tv time and toy time was unlimited. Now, his tv goes off a little while after Brad gets home. We are taking things away little by little and hoping that helps.

A lot of people would be mortified if they knew this is how we raise our child but, its the way we have chosen to do it. It actually seems to be working too. Are we going to be in for more problems as he gets older with tv addiction and sleep deprivation? Maybe. Or maybe, our odd parenting style may just work for Brycen and by the time he's 5 he is going to bed at a normal bedtime with no tv and no toys and no lights and is bright eyed and bushy tailed for school. We aren't going to harm our children. We will make sure they get the amount of sleep they need and we won't let tv corrupt their minds. Right now though, he's 3.....

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lets give this a try

I don't lead a very exciting life, but I love it. I get to stay home and raise my kids because my husband works his butt off. 7 days a week, Brad is at work. Luckily, he loves his job and the hours don't bother him. We were nervous making the switch to 2nd shift but it actually works out pretty well. We seem to spend more time together this way since we are both such night owls.

Our kids are pretty much the coolest kids ever. Brycen is 3 going on 13. He is a handful, thats for sure but wow, hes a great kid. He is a complete daddy's boy and he thinks he just knows everything. I'm sure ever parent thinks this about their child but he is pretty smart. I am amazed everyday at the things he says. I have no clue where he gets some of it.

Our little girls. Wow. Having twins was something we never expected. Anytime someone found out we were having twins they would say "O, we've always wanted twins" No. No you didn't. And if you did, well thats just weird. Why anyone would WANT to have 2 babies at the same time. But, the crazy thing is, our life would not be complete without them. They fit into our family perfectly. Um, it hasn't been a cake walk, thats for sure. There has been LOTS of crying and poop and sleepless nights and doctors appointments. We go through tons of diapers and wipes and milk and food. But, they are our angels. Gosh they are cute. Super short and just walking around the apartment like they own it.

Yes, I said apartment. We have 3 kids and we live in an apartment. But a very nice apartment. I guess actually its called a townhouse. I know it seems like all young married couples jump straight to taking out a massive loan for a house but thats just not our style. We really like this whole not having debt thing. Is this the ideal home for us? No. But I really don't think we will ever live somewhere that we are like "wow, perfection". Will we own a home someday? Yea, maybe. Are we in a rush? Nope. Not at all. We live in an apartment that has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, an upstairs, air conditioning and a back yard. If something breaks, we call maintenance and they come fix it. We don't have to mow our yard or rake or shovel our sidewalks. Would it be nice to be able to paint the kids room fun colors? yes. Would we LOVE a dishwasher? well duh. Are those 2 things worth a 30 yr loan and tons of stress? not for us.

We are by no means "perfect parents" We raise our kids differently than other people do and to be real truthful a lot of people may frown on it. A typical day in the Brosamer household. Brad wakes up usually around 10 and is the first person awake. He enjoys piece and quiet and the kids slowly start waking up around 11. Immedietly cartoons come on the tv for Brycen. I usually wake up around noon and we have lunch. I don't cook. Like ever. Typically lunch is pb & j or ham sandwiches. Sometimes we will have eggs and toast or tacos, or brad will run to syracuse and pick up some fast food. The tv is on in our house all day everyday. We spend the next couple hours with sports on tv and I am usually on the laptop and the kids play. naptime for the girls is at 2 and thats when Brycen's quiet time starts. So, from 2-5 the kids are in their rooms napping or playing quietly. Brad goes to work at 2:30 and I enjoy some piece and quiet and watch reruns of How I met your mother and Friends. Around 5ish the kids come down and we have simple suppers, mac n cheese n hotdogs, tuna boats, pizza. The rest of the evening the kids play....hard. They are everywhere. Super hyper. Around 11 I put the kids back down to bed. The girls usually go right to sleep. Brycen is usually awake till 2 or so. Brad gets home around 11:30 and the rest of the night we watch tv, eat snacks and get to bed around 4

So, as you can see, we lead a different lifestyle. Im not constantly doing crafts with my kids or mopping my floor. We don't eat supper around a table everynight *we dont even have a table* Most of the time we don't allow people over because our house is trashed. I am way behind on laundry I have toys everywhere, the trash is piled a mile high, and there are dishes in my sink. Our bedroom doesnt have a floor, and our junk drawers are packed.

Our life isn't perfect, but it works for us. We get along. We love eachother and we love our kids. Our kids are safe and clean and love us. I guess thats really all that matters to us.

This blog is going to show you right into our messy, upside down life. Judge if you want but realize, it won't bother us and it won't change us...